
We Are Family

7 eraser clappers:

kristi said...

so cute! how far apart in age are they? i have a 19 month old and am about to have a new baby any day now. i'm really nervous so tell me it's not that bad :):)

Sarah said...

they are 21 months apart. is it better to just smile and nod when you get asked something like that? no seriously, hard hard work. huge rewards. like them dancing together.

kristi said...

I can't wait really. I don't do well with pregnancy so I keep having to remind myself I'll feel better and have more energy when he comes along. A least I hope so, to keep up with two of them. I know it will be wonderful to watch them grow up together. Yours are just precious.

Sarah said...

i love pregnancy, it's parenting that's so rough on me!

my mother had her first two 11 months apart. i've learned a new appreciation for her.

Norma Shineynickels said...

haha...i love part where finn shakes her hands off and then turns around and busts into a solo routine. awesome.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Hmm. I can only watch about 8 seconds of that... weird. Cute 8 seconds though!

Sarah said...

thanks for telling me that. i had another one that wouldn't upload at all, so i wouldn't be surprised if that one was defective too.


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