
trip to ribfest

4 eraser clappers:

ChiroMum said...

Oh my, is that a LLAMA?!? I LOVE this!!! I need to start posting again...so much news...we have a new addition to the Chirofamily...Hamish the boarder collie! And he would LOVE the goats! Heck, I LOVE the goats...did any of them faint? I'm so dang jealous right now...stuck in an office while there are goats and llama's to be hugged.

Norma Shineynickels said...

LLAMAS!!!! Wow, a Violet AND a Llama. My day couldn't get any better. I demand a print of this. I love the look on the llamas little face, "Yes, little girl, I love you too, now someone save me." *small sigh of satisfaction*

Norma Shineynickels said...

oh, and P.S...


Anonymous said...

OMG. V hugging a llama. THAT is SUPER CUTE. The llama has this sort of, "awww, shucks" look on his (her?) face.

Sorry I didn't call you back tonight. I got lazy. Eric is not feeling well and I had errands to run when he got home. I'll catch up with you soon!


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